Proteja o seu albino - Unicef Moçambique

In the year 2015 alone, 15 albinos have reportedly disappeared in Mozambique, linked to witchcraft and superstition that their body parts can bring prosperity or cure certain diseases.
This drawing was part of UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE's online campaign to stop that from happening. 



Last saturday, October 24th, meSenhor Balão, Ana nas Tintas, Delfim Ruas and Vitor Novo were guest artists at TEDxUniversityofPorto.  

All pictures, except the first one (that's mine), are from the official event Photographer: Mafalda Sousa.

 We had to illustrate stories made up by participantes during the coffee break.
Here are my first ideas/sketches.

 That's me on the left side and Gil, senhor balão, on the right. Trying to be as fast as we could. There wasn't a lot of time left.

Vitor and Ana, very focused on their work. 

Senhor balão.

Ana nas tintas.


Vitor Novo.

And there was a lot of delicious food too!!!

Here's a picture of all the TEDx team. They did a great job at organising everything, it took them around 3 year to finally make this dream come true... Congratulations! The event was SUPER!

Thank you so much for the experience!
It was really nice to work among such talented people! 


Big girls don't cry, they eat.

Food, illustration and embroidery come together to give birth to what would be missphips' first exhibition, in Porto 2015 at Oficina Cafe Criativo.

For more details of the exhibition you can check what We blog you wrote about it, here:
Thank you!